entry_r1_c1So I’ve been blathering about this in person, but I wanted to post here.  There’s another super cool show coming up at Gallery1988, and (drum roll please) I have a couple of pieces in it.  Yep, my very first gallery showing; it’s a group show, but still, and it’s a cool ass group show at a cool ass gallery.  The show is all art based on the Beastie Boys, can you believe it?

The conversation, when they asked me to participate went a little like this:

Gallerist: So I’ve seen your work and it’s pretty cool.  I was thinking we’d invite you into a group show.

Me: (acting cool, but not pulling it off) Oh, great.  Do you know any themes of shows for the next six to nine months?

Gallerist: Yeah, I just got off the phone with Adam Yauch and we’ve got final permission to do a Beastie Boys show.

Me: Beastie Boys??

Gallerist: Yeah, but I can’t promise they’ll be here.


Gallerist: I said I can’t promise…

So I made two pieces.  The first is a needlepoint of Cookie Puss, in honor of their first 12″.  Framed the piece is 12″x15″

dscf0019Here’s a detail shot:


The other piece is a straight up portrait of the BBoys; framed it’s 11″x11″.

dscf0020And here’s a detail shot:


The opening is this Thursday night, January 8th, from 7-11pm at Gallery 1988, 7020 Melrose Ave, 90038, and the show runs through the 29th.  Hope to see you there.